05.02.25: EWB TALKS: Humanitarian Engineering - a Nordic perspective
Bli med på nordisk webinar under Sustainable Engineering Week 2025
Den første uken i februar arrangerer Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE) en rekke webinarer. Under temaet Humanitarian Engineering - a nordic perspective, samles generalsekretærene i de nordiske land. Her vil generalsekretær i IUG Danmark, Peter Horne Zartsdahl dele erfaringer fra deres frivillige ingeniørinnsats i Ukraina. Fra IUG Norge vil generalsekretær Marianne Nilsen Sturmair fortelle om vår #ingeniørdugnad for Gaza og hvordan IUG Norge det siste året har jobbet for å bidra til reparasjon av livsviktig infrastruktur midt i krigens grusomheter. Samtalen ledes av generalsekretær i EWB Sweden, Caroline Edelstam.
Velkommen til felles nordisk webinar, 5. februar! (Påmelding øverst i artikkelen.)
Hele programmet for Sustainable Engineering Week 2025 finner du HER
Join the Nordic Webinar during Sustainable Engineering Week 2025
During the first week of February, Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE) is hosting a series of webinars. Under the theme Humanitarian Engineering – a Nordic Perspective, the Secretary Generals of the Nordic countries will come together for a discussion.
The Secretary General of IUG Denmark, Peter Horne Zartsdahl, will share insights from their volunteer engineering efforts in Ukraine. From IUG Norway, Secretary General, Marianne Nilsen Sturmair, will talk about our #ingeniørdugnad for Gaza and how IUG Norway has worked over the past year to help restore critical infrastructure amidst the horrors of war. The discussion will be moderated by the Secretary General of EWB Sweden, Caroline Edelstam.
Welcome to the joint Nordic webinar on February 5!
Time: Wednesday 5th of February, 14:00-14:45
Registration link at the top of the article.
The full program for Sustainable Engineering Week 2025 can be found HERE