Vurdering av solcelleanlegg

Stiftelsen Nyenga | Uganda undertekst

Om Oppdraget

I dette oppdraget skulle to dyktige frivillig ingeniører identifisere feil med solcelleanlegget til Nyenga. Dette var et oppdrag fra Norge.

IUG har hatt flere oppdrag hos Stiftelsen Nyenga, som driver et senter for utvikling på landsbygda i Uganda. Senteret har jordbruk, fiskeoppdrett, barnehjem, helsestasjon og grunnskole. Her tilbys også mikrofinanslån og hjelp med å etablere egne arbeidsplasser.

Målet med dette oppdraget var å gjøre en helhetlig vurdering av Nyanga’s solcelleanlegg. De hadde over en periode hatt problemer med å få anlegget til å fungere optimalt, og ville gjerne ha hjelp til å finne ut hva som var galt.

Det kan naturligvis være utfordrende å skulle vurdere et solcelleanlegg man ikke kan besøke. Grunnet reiserestriksjoner måtte våre frivillige gjøre disse vurderingene fra et helt annet kontinent.

Våre frivillige Robert (som til dalig jobber i Elvia) og Ingvar fant heldigvis feilen allikevel, nemlig at fire av batteriene var ødelagte. Etter at dette ble fikset ble strømforsyningen betydelig forbedret – det ga til og med nok kapasitet til å drive sikkerhetslysene gjennom hele natten, noe som ikke var blitt gjort tidligere.

Rapporten (som blant annet inneholder en vurdering av hele solcelleanlegget) kan lastes ned via menyen til høyre.

Etter at batteriene ble fikset fikk vi videresendt denne tilbakemeldingen fra Laureene, dalig leder av Nyenga-senteret i Uganda:

This morning we had the solar batteries installed at the health center. This means we have lights on through the night at the children’s home, health center, security House and Anne House. The children did not find out until this evening and they clapped with joy. There are now plans to wake up early and revise as early as 3am! (time will tell).

The children and everyone send their gratitude for making it possible to have lights. Thank you for everything you do for us at Nyenga Foundation.

Mwebale nyo

Eyalama noi noi

Murakoze cyane

Mwebale munonga

– I think I have exhausted all the ways of saying «Thank you» in Uganda

In this assignment, two skilled volunteer engineers were to identify faults with Nyenga's solar cell system. This was an assignment from Norway.  

EWB has had several assignments with the Nyenga Foundation, which runs a centre for development in rural Uganda. The center has agriculture, fish farming, orphanages, a health center and a primary school. Microfinance loans and help with establishing their own workplaces are also offered here. 

The aim of this assignment was to make a comprehensive assessment of Nyanga's solar power systems. Over a period, they had had problems getting the plant to function optimally, and wanted help to find out what was wrong. 

It can be challenging to assess a solar power system you cannot visit. Due to travel restrictions, our volunteers had to make these assessments from a completely different continent. 

Fortunately, our volunteers Robert (who works for Elvia) and Ingvar found the fault anyway, namely that four of the batteries were broken. After this was fixed, the power supply was significantly improved – it even provided enough capacity to power the safety lights throughout the night, something that had not been done before. 

The report (which, among other things, contains an assessment of the entire solar cell system) can be downloaded from the menu on the right. 

After the batteries were fixed, we received this feedback from Laureene, then head of the Nyenga Centre in Uganda: 

This morning we had the solar batteries installed at the health center. This means we have lights on through the night at the children’s home, health center, security House and Anne House. The children did not find out until this evening and they clapped with joy. There are now plans to wake up early and revise as early as 3am! (time will tell).

The children and everyone send their gratitude for making it possible to have lights. Thank you for everything you do for us at Nyenga Foundation.

Mwebale nyo

Eyalama noi noi

Murakoze cyane

Mwebale munonga

– I think I have exhausted all the ways of saying «Thank you» in Uganda


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